Can we make the “Ambrosia” to achieve the immortality?

Your Telomeres decides the quality and longevity of your life

The cap like structures of DNA at the end of each chromosome called Telomeres. The telomeres determine the speed of your ageing, your risk of disease and how long you keep the Faculties of youth. A noble prize winning innovation made it clear that the size and health of Telomere is the yard stick for the length and quality of life. It is the size of the telomere that decides you’re ageing process. By maintaining and even by lengthening these telomeres you can actively control how slowly or quickly your body age. It is well discussed and described by ‘Parasar’ the rishi of Rig-Veda about cells and cell theory. He further explained that the determinant factor of age is very much in the cell. He further explained that the key for immortality is within the cell. There is no wonder that the liquid “Ambrosia” or “Amruth” used to keep the deities immortal. With modern techniques and with the help of ancient science at Gencleus R&D together with Gencleus Advanced Research and Knowledge Centre, We have developed a product exclusively to maintain TELOMERE length and one that activates the enzyme that lengthens telomere length TELOMERASE which is vital to reverse your ageing called AYURLONG.                                                                                                                          By:                                                                                                                          Dr. Ramakrishna Aradhyula                                                                                                                         Gencleus Advanced Research and Knowledge Centre
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